Sambalpur Zoo’s Female Leopard ‘Rani’ Passes Away 

Sambalpur: A female leopard named Rani of Odisha’s Sambalpur Zoo passed away while undergoing treatment for infection in uterus.

The seven-year old leopard died on the night of 4th December’24 night at around 9.13pm while it was undergoing treatment for infection in Uterus. On 4th December’24 it was active full day, its treatment started at 6 PM while vomiting was observed by veterinarian followed by discharge of pus from reproductive organs. Accordingly, three injections – antibiotics & anti-inflammatory were given to the leopard. Subsequently at night respiratory distress and bleeding from mouth occurred before the animal passed away.

The cause of death may be closed Pyometra leading to acute Pyemia (infection in uterus affecting other organs of body). Determination of pregnancy status(tests) of female leopard was scheduled to be done during third week of this month.

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